Wednesday, 7 October 2015


Most Kenyans have ruined the rastafarai religion by linking it to the smoking of bhang which is not true for it is a religion respected the same way any other religion. Kenyans might feel that the rasta beliefs on the second coming of Christ through Haile Selassie is false but they should know that all prayers lead to one God whom all religions believe in.  
This belief, which is a core part of the Rastafari philosophy, was taken up at the inception of the religion. In the early 1900s, Marcus Garvey prophesied that a new black king would soon come to Africa and that man would be the messiah. Not too long after this, in Ethiopia, a new king was crowned and his name was Haile Selassie I.
Seeing this as a sign of what was prophesied, the burgeoning Rastafari movement took this man as the second coming of Jesus. However, while most Kenyans would not believe in a second coming of the messiah solely based on prophecy, the Rastafarians wouldn’t either. They point to other evidence as well, particularly the claim that Haile Selassie is related to King Solomon, giving him a connection to Jesus.
Many Kenyans are attracted to the idea of being a Rastafari because it means they have a religious excuse to smoke ganja. Some of them may be surprised then that smoking ganja is not only optional for Rastafarians but isn’t really all that central to their faith. Some Rastafari simply choose not to smoke weed at all. The movement is religious and Kenyans should learn how to respect it and not tarnish the image of the rasta movement by smoking ganja.
So please respect peoples religions and do not ruin their image.

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